
Press service Festival of Joy

Find all press information on the Festival of Joy 2024 here, with pictures, contacts and download of the original.

Rosa Schneeberger and her son stand on the festival stage and look out into the crowd at the Festival of Joy.
Press photo Festival of Joy © Andy Wenzel
Christa Bauer, Stephan Turmalin and Erik Stettler Tour "Festival of Joy" © MKÖ/Sebastian Philipp
Press photo Wiener Symphoniker © Peter Rigaud

Further information

For further information, photographic material or interview queries, pelase contact the responsible contact person:

Mauthausen Committee Austria

Obere Donaustraße 97-99/4/5, 1020 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43 / (01) / 212 83 33
Fax: +43 / (01) / 212 86 59

Press queries & Contact Organizer

Willi Mernyi

Chairman MKÖ
Phone: +43 / (0)664 / 103 64 65