Requiem A

Sven Helbig - Requiem A
In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, and in light of ongoing conflicts, German composer Sven Helbig has created a new requiem to honour the victims of war and tyranny.
The world premiere, held in a sold-out Dresden Kreuzkirche, attracted nationwide attention.
Festival of Joy – 8 May 2025
Today, Heldenplatz stands as a place of remembrance, commemorating the end of the Second World War, and continuously engaging with history while reaffirming the significance of peace and freedom in the present.
For the Dresden Kreuzchor, its Kreuzkantor Martin Lehmann, and all those involved, it is a profound honour to be part of the commemoration marking the 80th anniversary of liberation from National Socialism, organised by the Mauthausen Committee Austria.
The performance of Requiem A on this day of remembrance at Vienna’s Heldenplatz marks a significant milestone in the journey of this young composition—from Dresden to Vienna to Coventry.
'Auf den Gipfeln uns'rer Hoffnung
thront ein Licht.
Dort hinauf sind wir gegangen,
wundes Herz und zages Bangen,
an den Händen Blut
und Asche im Gesicht.'
Requiem A, 'Sanctus'

Requiem A combines liturgical and new texts.
The 'A' in the title stands for 'Beginning' (German 'Anfang').
'Setting off' (Aufbruch), 'ashes' (Asche) and 'breathing' (Atmen) are key words in the texts which seek a way out of mourning and into life.

Requiem A consists of nine parts with a concert duration of approximately 60 minutes.
It includes live visuals by Icelandic film artist Máni M. Sigfusson.

From the Grimm's dictionary:
A, the noblest, most original of all sounds,
resounding fully from chest and throat,
the first and easiest sound for a child to produce,
which rightly stands at the beginning of the alphabets of most languages.